August 2020

August 2020

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August is not only hot, it’s full of fun days to celebrate.

August 1st is National Disc Golf Day!

August 2nd National Sisters Day and National Friendship day. Coincidence? I think not

August 3rd National Watermelon Day

August 4th National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

August 7th is Purple Heart Day

August 10th National Lazy Day

August 11th National Son’s and Daughter’s Day. They probably put that on the same day so the kids wouldn’t fight over it.

August 12th is National Middle Child Day… THAT’S ME!

August 13th is International Left Handers Day for all you weirdos out there. Just Kidding, I know a lot of great lefties out there.

August 15th is my 11 year Anniversary! Love you Doug!

August 17th National Black Cat Appreciation Day

August 19th National Aviation Day

August 21st National Senior Citizens Day

August 24th National Waffle Day

August 26th National Dog Day

August 30th National Beach Day

August 31st National South Carolina Day

August is also Black Business Month, Family Fun Month, National Golf Month, National Immunization Awareness Month and many more!

September News

September News

July 2020

July 2020